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Product specifications

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an imaging technology used in radiology departments to take detailed pictures of the insides of a patient's body to help diagnose medical conditions. The MRI equipment is fitted with superconductive magnet coils that require liquid helium to keep them cold without disruption.

GaoFa Gases offers MRI magnet filling services using state-of-the-art liquid helium dewars, ensuring high transfer efficiency and maximized uptime, so your staff will have more time to focus on patients and other related activities.

Gas Options

GaoFa Gases typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


An inert gas for cryogenic, heat transfer, shielding, leak detection, analytical and lifting applications


For Magnetic Resonance Imagery (MRI) and other cryogenic applications, GaoFa Gases supplies liquid helium in 60, 100, 250, and 500 liter ruggedly constructed and super-insulated dewars.

Gas Suppliers & Gas Solution Provider